The question is why people know that they are gay and or how they know they are meant to have these attractions. No one actually knows the real reason why people decide they are attracted to the same sex person. Some studies have show that people with these believes say they are just born this way and that the feel they need to change. I think it also depends in the certain individuals home life. I think that there more likely to turn if their home life is a little rough. If people have a hard time at home most of the time, they want a change to get attention and or do something that makes them want to change. I also feel like even if they have the best home life a person can still change and change their beliefs. There are so many different factors that can help influence a persons believe and or their choices they make in the future life.
Even a gender influence can put a huge impact on the way someone feels and or how they want to live their life. Let’s take a girl for example she has only brothers in her home and her dad is a very successful man. Her mom is out of the picture so she only has a man or boy influence in their life. I feel like she would most likely maybe want to turn gay or something because of the people she is around. Maybe she also thinks that I don’t want to be like them in any way and decided to stay a woman and loves her life as it is. Another example would be the flip of this example. There could be a male living with sisters and a mom but he might be missing the father figure in the home. Which could make a certain individual want to be more feminine and or have feminine qualities as a person. They also might not have a man role model to look up to. They could have no one to really show them what a man figure can be in a home or in a public setting because they only have their mom and sisters to look up to. They also might have a father figure but he might be abusive or treat them with very bad respect so they decide in their mind that they don’t want to be like that when they are older so they think changing their gender and or who they are attracted to can make sure they don’t turn out like that in their future life. They also wouldn’t want to treat other people the same way their so-called father influence was treating and or handling the situations and problems.
Overall, there are so many different things that can cause a person to change their gender and or who they are attracted to. There are so many different influences and major changes a single individual could observe. With a certain gender influence, they have an outstanding impact on some individuals and how they decide to life their life and or the choices they make in their future like. Both men and women have different influences but they both have pros and cons to different situations. There are so many different angles and observations men and women agree on but there are also numerous things they disagree on. The disagree I think is the main and important influence a certain individual turns to in the long run because if they don’t agree with what has been said and they agree with the other it is a ultimate changing factor.