When talking about divorce it can be a very tuff topic for some people. People tend to almost judge and make fun of people that get a divorce. But little do they know they getting a divorce means that they are trying to take care of there problems and they are handling the situations that they got themselves into. Personally I think that people that do go through these difficult times they are really truly find themselfs as an Individua again. They are trying to find who they are again and knowing that they can life there life as they want. They can determine there happiness by doing what they love and really having there true personalities shine through. But then the next step comes into play remarriage. Remarriage can be a very tough subject to handle for some people. For example my grandmas husband died when my mom was 16 well after some time passed she started to go on dates with this guy. Well they decided they wanted to get remarried. before they get serious about the idea they both went and talked to there kids about it first. Well by grandma goes and talks to my mom and all of her siblings and they all said ya mom go for it If you think this will make you happy and make you a better person go for it. Well his children said no way I don’t want you to get remarried because you will forget about us and go off with her family. Well after about a year or so my grandma and this guy were still going on dates and stuff. He went to his children again and said hey I really want to marry this girl you guys are going to have to deal with it and know that this will be better for all of us. Well they got married and he ended up getting cancer and my grandma was his care taker in those times. Well his kids were so thankful that they did get married because she helped him climb this huge mountain that was placed in his life. his kids felt so bad they they told him no at first. Well from this example getting remarried is a very good thing because both my grandma and step grandpa learned to love and grow with each other. She has never been happier and they are both running around happier then ever. All though sometimes it isn’t a good things and people keep getting stuck in the same bad situation over and over. Well if they take a step back and learn to now weather it is a good idea or not they will be better off. Or even to know that it’s ok if you don’t get remarried you still have your family and that’s all that matters. When we are surrounded by our loved ones and we know that we all love each other it is so much better than getting remarried and absolutely regretting everything that has happene. There are also a lot of good things that come out of marrige and even getting remarried. No matter the situation there is a diffrent solution to it. No matter the outcome of people are trying to be happy and doing what they love they will know that maybe they don’t need to get remarried or maybe they are going to make things work with the relationship that they are in now. They will strive to make themselves and the partner happy things will all turn out better for everyone on the long run.